ep. 64 | The Plant-Based Athlete | Getting Started

I'm excited to kick off 2021 with a series of episodes meant to help guide new and experienced plant-based athletes alike towards success. This time of year, people are definitely thinking about their lifestyle choices, whether its diet or exercise or sustainability wise, and I firmly believe that choosing to eat more plants is one of the most impactful and simple ways to actually make a difference in our everyday lifestyle. The science is there, the logic is there, and the support is here.

So, over the next month or so I will be sharing this multi part series explaining how best to start and thrive on a plant-based diet as an athlete. This first installment is about how to get started, which is often the most challenging part. So if you're brand new to eating a plant-based diet and you're an athlete, or are thinking about taking the plunge towards eating more plants, this episode is for you. If you have specific questions, or things you'd like me to cover or bring up over the course of this series, send me an email and I'll respond on the show.

In future installments, I’ll cover the key nutrients of interest, fueling as a plant-based endurance athlete, meal guides, and much more so stay tuned!

Show Notes:

Ethical resources:

Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows by Dr. Melanie Joy (plus her amazing TED Talk)

Environmental resources:

EAT-Lancet Commission: https://eatforum.org/eat-lancet-commission/

Our World In Data: Environmental Impacts of Food Production: https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impacts-of-food

Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/360/6392/987

Nicholas Carter on the Plant Proof Podcast: https://plantproof.com/our-diet-is-destroying-the-planet-with-environmental-researcher-nicholas-carter/

Resources for getting started:

Plant-Based Sports Nutrition by Matt Ruscigno and D. Enette Larson

The Plant Based Cyclist by Nigel Mitchell

Vegan diets: practical advice for athletes and exercisers: https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-017-0192-9